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Hello again!

My first album was released! The Sun Is Better Than It Sounds was release in June, 2022. Again, the album is available on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, Pandora, my YouTube Channel, etc.

Take a listen!


Hello again! Get ready for my album!

Finally... after all these years... my first album! The Sun Is Better Than It Sounds is being finalized for release this June, 2022. It has my first three singles, as well as new songs like Before The Funeral, Crush On You and Demons Again. The album will be available on platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, etc.


Hello again Fans!  

The details of the Coachella Show at the School Of Rock Issaquah live concert and livestream in which I will be performing this Saturday September 18th 2021 are here: 

Coachella Show at the School Of Rock Issaquah Summer Concert

I will be performing live, singing 6 songs and playing keyboards in some others with a School Of Rock class band at 3:35pm (PDT).

Hope you can join or watch the livestream!  


Rain N. Thirteen


Hello again Fans! 

The details of the School Of Rock Issaquah livestream concert in which I will performing this Saturday June 12th 2021 are here:[%7B%22extra_data%22%3A%22%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22search_results%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark%22%7D%2C%7B%22extra_data%22%3A%22%22%2C%22mechanism%22%3A%22your_upcoming_events_unit%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22bookmark%22%7D]%2C%22ref_notif_type%22%3Anull%7D

I will be performing Ozzy Ozbourne songs (voice in many songs and keyboards in a couple other) with a School Of Rock class band at 8:15pm (PDT). 

Hope you can watch! 


Rain N. Thirteen


Hello Fans! Wow, almost out of the COVID, hopefully!

I hope you are all staying safe and getting vaccinated! I am not eligible yet but will do as soon as I am.

The production of my new album  The Sun Is Better Than It Sounds got stalled with COVID but we are finally back working on it. We are looking for a release date sometime at the end of this month or beginning of May. Stay tuned for that!

Also, I am rehearsing at the School Of Rock for an Ozzie Osborne livestream concert in June. I'll share the date of the livestream as soon as we get the final date.


Rain N. Thirteen


Hello again Fans!

I will perform at the event School of Rock Performs Hair Metal, this Saturday January 16th. The event includes performances by other groups of students from the School of Rock Issaquah and will begin at 11am Pacific Standard Time US. I will perform lead vocals in several songs and background vocals in others.

Follow this link to see details.

Schedule of groups performances at the event will be shared soon.

Hope you join and enjoy the show!


Happy New Year Dear Fans! The difficult year we just left behind brought many challenges to the production of my album The Sun Is Better Than It Sounds pending release. We will work hard at the beginning of this year to get it ready. Stand by and I'll let you know when that happens! 


The video of my latest livestream is now available in YouTube. Check it out following the link in my Shows page.


I was invited to do a livestream for my Dad's workplace, athenahealth. The livestream will have songs from my soon to be released album The Sun Is Better Than It Sounds and it will be on November 19th, 2020. The performance will be recorded, edited and posted it in my shortly after. Stay tuned!  


The music video of my single Let Me Be The One (Electronic Mix) has been released in my YouTube Channel!


Rain N. Thirteen


You can buy my music directly in my website. Look in the Music page!


Rain N. Thirteen


If you have Spotify and you have streamed or downloaded one of my songs or even have playlists with the genres that my songs belong to, you might see my ad running in Spotify this weekend!


Rain N. Thirteen


I want to share that the music video of my first single "Quarantine" has been released to YouTube! You can watch it in my Official Artist YouTube channel.

Hope you like it!


Rain N. Thirteen


I am very excited to announce the release of my new single Let Me Be The One (Electronic Mix). This is the first song I recorded and I am very grateful that our friend Jimmy Green played the electric guitar you hear in this version. The song will be available for streaming and download sometime next week!

Let me know what you think!


Rain N. Thirteen


I will be performing in the Motown Show during the Livestream concert of the Issaquah School of Rock this coming Saturday 8/15/2020. See details in the Shows section of my website!

Hope you all can watch and enjoy!


Rain N. Thirteen"


Rain is excited about the launch of this website to share with all of you the release of her new singles: 

"I just released my first two singles, Second Turn At The Roundabout and Quarantine. 

Later this summer, I’ll be releasing Let Me Be The One, and a full album, The Sun Is Better Than It Sounds. I hope all of you like them! 

Let me know what you think! Stay safe and healthy!

Latest Track: Second Turn At The Roundabout

This single is now distributed in major Digital Platforms like Amazon Music, Apple Music, Spotify and youTube Music. Check the "Music" section of Rain's website.


Issaquah School of Rock on September 18th 2021 starting at 11am Pacific Standard Time US. Schedule coming soon! Follow the link below for more info: show-September-18-2021